Friday, May 11, 2007

Rotor Assemblage 1

We did a lot of work on the turbine today. This morning, Clay welded a few strips onto the bearing supprts. The turbine shaft will pass through the hole in the picture once the bearings are mounted.

Later on, Matt met me at Midway Studio to haul some items over to Bob at the CIS building. Matt came up with an ingenious way of transporting the 90 lb. flywheel, borrowing from the classic game of his youth, hoop stick. By the end of the night, Bob had made 80% of the holes on the turbine shaft, taught me how to use the mill, and made the two other shafts.


The first of the rib assemblies to be bolted onto the shaft.

Bob with mill and rotor.

Matt cleaned up the flywheel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when are you getting all that Lexan out of the apartment?